Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chicago’s Olympic Logo is a No-Go

Chicago’s Olympic Committee has made another faux pas, this time involving its Olympic logo. It seems the logo design uses Olympic-related imagery, such as the torch and flame, which is a big no-no according to the IOC, reports the Chicago Tribune. The Committee now must come up with a new design. In the meantime, the city isn’t sure what it will do with all the Olympic signs and merchandise spread throughout the city.

Last fall I wondered if the Chicago Committee had gotten way ahead of itself by introducing the logo so early in the bidding process. Generally the logo unveiling is reserved for the city that has been named as the host city for the Olympic Games, not a city that is bidding on it. That suggests that Chicago’s logo should have been introduced to the public in late 2009 at the earliest and only in the event that it had been chosen as the host city for the 2016 Games. It seems rather presumptuous of Chicago’s Olympic Committee to introduce any kind of logo design three years before the host city is officially announced. In its haste, the Chicago Committee obviously did not do its homework by checking out USOC and IOC rules beforehand. That’s sloppy planning and not a good start for Chicago’s Olympic Committee.

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